Monthly Archives: June 2006

Get Your Free Sitesell Trial…..


After talking to the team at Sitesell, they have kindly allowed me to offer vistiors to my blog a free trial of the superb Site BuildIt software.

If you have been thinking about building your own website, looking for another income or working for yourself, then you really should check out what these guys can do for you. Before you start spending a fortune on useless bits of software or redundant advice in the world of online business, SiteSell is a good first port of call. If you have any hobby, interest or passion, then you can turn into a web based business with a little bit of imagination. (If you want to bounce ideas off of somone, subscribe to this blog, I have some info for you coming soon.)

I have been transfering all my web businesses to them, and it is a real snip to do. But the real bonus is the "extras" that come with each package, from building forms for your clients to fill in, to tools enabling you to build mailshots and mailing lists.

So, if you want to claim a free trial, and launch a new sideline income or career , click here now.

At last, more wildlife in the garden….


We had a guest making his way up our path this afternoon, spotted by Leigh as she was tending the veggie plot. (Brenda, ya missed a bit of wildlife by a few days! No bears in the garden yet though….)

A Blue Racer

A blue racer, not poisonous, about 2 foot long and apparently there are loads of them up behind us on Mount Boucherie. Holly screamed and Darlene nearly passed out! One of the neighbours, who is digging out a pool in his garden, delicately informed us that rattlesnakes have also been spotted.

Messing About in Boats….


We took the boat out today, Samuel’s actually, he just told me, for a spin around Shannon Lake. The sun was out, but the wind coming across the lake was stronger than my rowing technique and we found ourselves the other side of the water in no time. We had a couple of turtles accompanying us, until Holly splashed the oars in the water and they disappeared as fast as their little legs could swim.

The Boat

On the edge of the lake is the Shannon Lake Golf course, and needless to say plenty of building going on around it in availible space.

Shannon Lake

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Astonishing doesn’t even come close….

What choice did I have? On my reading of the weekend news via the BBC website, I happened upon 2 pieces of news that I find both confusing and disturbing, and felt the need to post to the blog for others to discover.

It would appear that, yet again, the sorry excuse for a government in the UK have passed the buck to the good old British public. With crime, coming from the "horses mouth", now totally out of control in the UK, stabbings nearly every week, shootings and so on, the people elected to lead the country, who extolled their "tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime", are going to try and lay the responsibility squarely at the feet of the British public. It appears what they actually meant was "crime’s  tough, and a bit too tough for us to deal with the causes of crime." It seems the one thing you can always count on, is these idiots to be incapable of making a decision. As far as I was aware, the government and the police were supposed to protect the public, as in their "job descriptions". And we are apparently, if you can make sense of it, in the eyes of the "leaders", I use the term loosely, moaning about the problems!?!?

People should "stop moaning" and help tackle anti-social behaviour in their own area, the government may suggest.

And yet, on the same day, a 75 year old man, on confronting the yobs, as instructed to do by the elected government, has died. Who is now going to be tough on this particular crime? Who is going to be tough on the cause of this particular crime?

A 75-year-old man has died after he confronted three teenagers who were causing a disturbance outside his home.

If any one can clear this up for me, I really would appreciate it. I have an open mind and all suggestions are accepted.

Perhaps, all you readers in the UK, and any of you with relatives in the UK might like to remember, that the law belongs to you. Not the government, not the police, but the law abiding public.

Surely this is the road to vigilantism. All we need now is a special signal to illuminate the skies in our times of  darkest trouble, to call upon the services of certain Dark Knight and we can have crime on the run.

A Career in Day Trading….


Matt, NZ wrote to me, asking about the company I work for;

Mark, Firstly, how’s the job going? And secondly, would you recommend them as someone to begin a career in day trading? I coming to Canada in the next year and fancy having a go at it, or trying my hand at some form of financial trading to earn money.

When I was looking for work to do on our arrival in Canada, I came across an ad for people looking for a career in equities trading. I was curious, had no other job lined up, so thought I would give it a go.

I am now in my 6th month of "day trading", and finally getting profitable. One word of advice; never underestimate the length of time or amount of cash you are going to need to start a career day trading.

Would I recommend it? I think it’s worth a go, to see if you have the right frame of mind to do this sort of thing. And trading for the firm I currently do, although you earn no money until you graduate, you are using their money while you learn. That alone made it a go-er for me.

If nothing else you may learn a few things you can take to the markets yourself. I can now trade with a little more understanding and do so on the forex markets, equities and spread trading in the UK when I am there. It beats having a real job, but you may need to learn a thing or two before setting out on this kind of career. It really isn’t for everyone.

But, if you want to do it yourself, I would strongly recommend a practice account, to see if you can get a feel for the markets.

Hope this helps.


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Blogging from the poolside….


What? I thought you were in Canada? Isn't it cold there?

No, we don't all live in igloos out here! The temperature is climbing again! It's 27 degrees and the sun is out.

In the Pool....

Our neighbour has kindly allowed us access to his pool as he is hardly ever in, so we shall make the most of it. Expect more blog postings from the poolside! If I put a few laps in, I might even be able to shed a few pounds….

I am going to be starting a mailbag feature soon, posting some more of the questions I have been sent since arriving here with what we have found in answer to them. I did start to do it, but lack of time meant I couldn't get around to putting them up on the blog for others to see. Leigh is getting proficient in the new blog, and other bits of technology, so she is taking over some of the admin duties along with other web developments we have in the pipeline.

Leigh has been a little overwhelmed herself with the response to her "vine weaving". The pics of the sculptures should be up on the blog soon, although orders are such that you may have to go on the waiting list I am afraid. The current batch of "vine globes" are sold out and production is in full swing for the upcoming exhibition at Coyote Vineyard. Another 3 have been sold today. At this rate, I may be able to retire….

School for the kids and my tutoring is coming to an end this month. The summer holidays here last until September. Luckily we have the pool and the lake.

If you want me to tutor anyone you know, do get in touch ASAP. I am now taking bookings for the start of term in September and am already running out of slots. If you would like more info on how I go about tutoring via the wonders of the web drop me an email,

You have been warned…..


A powerful insider breaks the banking industry’s code of silence and reveals how the High Street banks deliberately target their customers and push borrowing.

Speaking exclusively to the BBC, this whistleblower is a key decision-maker involved in retail banking with one of the main High Street banks.