Monthly Archives: October 2007

Beckham Is Coming….. again…..


Can’t remember if I mentioned in an earlier post, but Beckham is coming to Vancouver!

We had tickets for the friendly between the Vancouver Whitecaps and LA Galaxy in October, but, with a few weeks to go, the "man", so I am told by Samuel and the missus, injured his knee. So, they postponed the match, which was wise, as the whole publicity machine was geared up for floggin’ the tickets based on Golden Balls turning up….

Anyway, the re-scheduled game is for November 7th. The excitement is building again.

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It’s time to find your voice….


After reading John Pilger’s book, "Freedom Next Time" (I urge others to read the same book, and feel the same way about their lives as they did prior), not that I wasn’t already "out", I’ve joined the campaign. I see no other answers, not that I ever did and maybe, this will encourage others, who feel the same way.

Click on the logo, or here, to find out more.


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Home Education….


I’ve got a sick boy here today. He’s exhausted, we think after the soccer yesterday and been sick a few times. It’s either that or the math test he was due to take….

So, we’re at the kitchen table on both laptops, doing school work on the BBC website. The more I think about it, home educating your kids these days is simply a piece of cake. Especially having had similar chats with people over the last couple of weeks and watching the scramble for places in the school of your choice, it’s simply unnecessary these days. There is another alternative. Also, having been tutoring for the last 10 years, the stories I have heard and seen, the education system is not geared up for the needs of the kids of today, we’re still trying to teach them the same as you and I were taught, let alone our parents and grandparents and doesn’t actually fit for a large number of them. They don’t all learn the same way.

But now, in the 21st century, you have everything you need. He’s currently conducting a science experiment to investigate forces, attaching parachutes and weights to a small truck, all via the internet. Just a moment ago we were investigating some ancient roman mysteries. In a minute, when I can get him off the science site, we’re going to do some french, which should be interesting as I’m rubbish at it, but armed with a number of podcasts on the ipod and the good old BBC site, we’re going to be fluent in no time. Maybe I can get him to try Chinese instead….

…. so with a little thought, your child can be educated by your good selves easier than you might think. Feel free to leave some comments, click the comment link. I’d love some more feedback on this issue.

If you want advice on home tutoring, or some math tutoring, get in touch, or go to my other website, Mathsmasters, click here.

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